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In 2019, Radhika Apte, the famous Indian actor, collaborated with one of fastest growing fashion brands, IS.U to launch her own clothing line. The collection screamed out her impeccable fashion sense that is globally popular and appreciated. The elegant and bold Sacred Games actress launched her clothing line keeping in mind the sophisticated yet chic fashionistas in India.

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India has around 120Mn online shoppers, according to a report by the Times of India, which keeps growing by day. And to cater to this growing demand, there are 1000’s of ecommerce companies among which only few survive and hundreds die because they fail to differentiate themselves from the crowd and create a niche.


To launch Radhika Apte’s collection and make a lot of well directed noise to capture the eye balls of right people who would be interested in purchasing the product as ISU is still a growing brand and didn’t have the luxury of deep pockets.

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Execution is challenging because the launch had multiple revelation stages, slowly unfolding the collection. And considering the millennials’ rapidly dropping attention span, it was crucial for us to come up with unique and creative ways to keep the audience engaged.

The pre-launch was heavily focussed on a referral program. We incentivised people into participating by offering exclusive access to the collection and placing an order, only if they followed the rules. This whole gamification helped us reach a new set of relevant audience.

During the launch, we carved out a plan to leverage Radhika’s followers and convert them into our customers. To make this more impactful, we collaborated with a lot of influencers to reach a wider audience. As a lot of influential people were talking about our collection and genuinely loving it, our social validation increased and eventually got us more loyal customers.
Radhika has a massive follower base of 3.2Mn followers with an engagement rate of almost 4%. We were able to reach around .6Mn people just from her profile! Our influencer marketing was focussed on high engagement influencers with the follower’ range varying from 10,000 to 500,000, who helped us reach around .3Mn people.
Within 3 months of starting, we increased the traffic to 10x and were able to achieve a sustainable growth of 100% month on month.

Next Steps

Post launch has to be very strategically planned because most of our TG has been exposed to the collection. So we got to a lot of A/B testing with the ad designs, the messaging and the website banners to improve the over Conversion Rate. Along with this, we worked on various offers to acquire more first time buyers while scaling.

The focus on exclusivity during pre-launch helped us convert a lot of these leads into customers. Basically, the amalgamation of a solid launch, branding and acquisition strategy helped us acquire our customers with an impressive ROI and produce a solid case study for all fashion e-commerce brands out there.
Here are some of the Facebook Ad Creatives designed by us for IS.U:


Content Marketing

Target Acquisition

Content Strategy

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